How-To OpenScape UC Web Client - Basic Functions
This manual describes the basic features of the OpenScape UC Web Client. You can find more detailed information in the linked full manual (German).
Log in
1. Open the OpenScape UC web page via your browser.
2. Enter your work phone number and password. When logging in for the first time, enter the initial password "Abc123!". You should then change this to a personalised password.
3. Enter the new password. This must have at least 1x upper case letter, 1x lower case letter, 1x number and 1x special character; length: at least 8 characters.
An error message may be displayed. You can ignore this.
4. Click on "Log in".
Note: If the UC client is used from a home office, a VPN connection to the university network is also necessary. This requires an installed VPN client.

The caller list is initially empty. Later you will see all of your calls here. You can search for names or select a phone number via the search field. The system can access the university's telephone directory or your own.
Please note the following: When you enter a name in the search field, the default search is in your own phone book, in order to search in the university telephone directory you need to press the 'Enter' key.
You can create your own directory entries under Contacts.
You can use the telephone symbol to switch to the redirects you have set up.

Calls via OpenScape UC
A call can also be made via the search field.
1. To do this, simply enter the desired phone number - internally the 4 or 5-digit call number or externally the number plus the exchange digit 0, e.g. "0 06211234...".
2. Then press the enter key or click on the handset symbol. The connection is established. The loudspeaker on your office telephone should go off and you should hear the call.

Configuring UC
You have the option to switch the telephone to other phone numbers (call forwarding). To do this, you must configure them in UC.
1. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner and then on 'Settings'.

2. Go to 'Devices'. The set up end phone numbers are displayed.
3. Click on 'Add new device'.

4. Enter the following information:
- In the field 'Device name' enter a name of your choice.
- Under 'Telephone number' please enter the end phone number. Pay attention to correct spelling. Enter the destination number with '+49', then the area code without zero, even if a university-internal number is to be used. For example: +4962215420051.

5. Click on 'Add device' and then on 'Save'.
Via the telephone symbol you can set up under which number you want to be reached. Here you will find the set-up end phone numbers and you can select and activate a destination by clicking on it.

You can see the active destination number in the status bar.
Attention: On your work phone no call forwarding is shown on the display.

WebRTC (optional):
WebRTC stands for 'telephoning via browser' on a PC/notebook (i.e. even without a physical telephone). This function cannot yet be used throughout the university.

A functioning headset must be connected to and configured on the PC/notebook. In addition, the Google Chrome browser is necessary to enable proper communication.
WebRTC is automatically displayed in the device list if it is configured in the TC system.
The audio settings can be opened via the headset icon and can be adjusted there.

WebRTC users without a fixed line office telephone must always switch to WebRTC, otherwise they are not reachable and cannot start call themselves.

The following example is for a conference that is available at any time. You can find out how to set up other types of conferences in the linked detailed manual.
1. Select 'Conferences' in the bar on the left.
2. Click on 'New Conference'.

3. Enter a name for the conference under 'Title'.
4. If desired, select which of the following options you want to apply to this conference:
- This conference is moderated
- Web Collaboration
- Video
- Name recording
5. Add the desired participants.
6. Click on 'Create'.

7. Now you can find the dial-in number and PIN in the conference data.

Web Collaboration (optional)
To conduct a web collaboration with a contact, you must be in a conversation
1. Move the mouse over the options symbol (3 horizontal lines).

2. There, select 'Start Web Collaboration'.

3. A dialogue appears. Click on 'Save'.

4. The fast client is stored in the download directory of your browser. Start the programme with a double click.

Note: This file can now be used for all, even future webcalls at any time, even without you currently being on a phone call.
Open the download directory and create a shortcut for the fast client on the desktop of your PC.

Starting a Web Collaboration
1. Double-click on the link to start the collaboration. A new session number is automatically generated with each new start.

2. Click on 'Send invitation'.

3. Your preferred email application will open. Enter the recipient(s) as usual and send the message.