IT specialist for system integration Training at the URZ
The University Computing Centre is one of three training locations for IT specialists for system integration at Heidelberg University.
The traineeship to become an IT specialist lasts three years and begins on 1 September. With its wide range of IT services, the URZ offers great insight into the various activities of a computing center. Consequently, the work areas of IT specialists are equally varied. They range from:
- Analysis of user requests
- Planning, setup, maintenance and administration of systems and computer networks
- Application and database development
- Software engineering
- Customization, procurement and installation of hardware and software
- Duties in the areas of consulting, training and IT security


The trainees get to know various operating systems, such as Windows, Linux and macOS. When problems or errors arise in the system, they try to find solutions to fix them.
Practical, user-oriented training
The practical portion of this dual training takes place at the various service areas of the URZ, enabling trainees to acquire a diverse range of knowledge. The theoretical portion is taught at the Hubert-Sternberg-Schule in Wiesloch using the block model.
At the Computing Centre, trainees from both disciplines support user support and training. The trainees learn to independently organize and plan events, such as Girls’ Day and pupil internships. They represent the URZ at trade fairs and events, such as the University Library's Lange Nacht der Hausarbeiten (Long Night of Term Papers) or the Studienauftaktmesse (New Student Fair), which takes place every year at the beginning of the winter semester.
Since 2017, the second year also includes further training to become a Rhine-Neckar Energy Scout for the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The training program concludes with Green Day, an event organized for URZ employees by all the trainees.
You can find available traineeships on the linked information page from the University. We are looking forward to your application!
The person in charge of training at the Computing Centre is Dr. Carina Ortseifen.