30. January 2025 – IT Security New events on information security
Sharing knowledge, strengthening security: The bwInfoSec core team is expanding its information events and talks on information security. On March 19, 2025, the “ISMS Talks” will start with best practices, new impulses and current topics from the field of information security. The lecture series “Open Source and Information Security” and the “TechTalks” are also currently taking place.

Information security in transition: bwInfoSec promotes knowledge sharing through public events
The topics of open source and information security are important for universities, as they not only reflect current technological developments, but also address fundamental issues of security and efficiency in the IT infrastructure. Universities often use open source products to create independent, cost-effective and flexibly scalable solutions for their teaching and research environments and to ensure the protection of sensitive research data and personal information. The lecture series provides practical insights into the secure use of technologies at educational institutions and promotes an understanding of IT security strategies.
The bwInfoSec talks focus on technical or interdisciplinary, organizational topics of information security. The Open Source and Information Security series, which will run until February, ranges from weighing up the security of open source products in comparison to proprietary software to looking at open source solutions for overcoming specific challenges in the area of IT security. The ISMS Talks, which start on February 26, complement the previous formats. The events provide a comprehensive view of the topic of information security from both a technical and an organizational perspective.
Termine der Veranstaltungen:
The events are organized by bwInfoSec, a federation formed by the universities and colleges (Hochschulen) of Baden-Württemberg to jointly improve information security at the state's higher education institutions. The core information security team of bwInfoSec is based at the Computing Centre of Heidelberg University and the University Service Center on the campus of Reutlingen University.
The events are open to the public and are all held online with some also accessible in person in the Mathematikon at Heidelberg University. It is not necessary to register for the events.