Network drives for University institutes and facilities
Network drives are used to store files in a central repository. They can be integrated into your operating system like physical storage media (hard disks, USB sticks, etc.) and are thus very easy and convenient to use.
The service heiVOL-i, which provides central network drives for institutes and facilities, is offered for all work and student devices (PCs, notebooks, servers) that have an IP address within the University network.
Institute network drives are located at the following address (CIFS share): \\<institute abbreviation>.
Target group
- University employees
- IT representatives
Networks on heiVOL-i offer, inter alia:
- High availability via MetroCluster distributed across two locations
- Backup at a third location
- AD integration for simplified rights management
- Automatic snapshots (35 hourly, 7 daily, 4 weekly and 6 monthly snapshots are stored). Using these snapshots ("previous versions" on Windows), users can independently restore data as needed.
- 20% backup reserve for the snapshots
University employees
- Central storage of files via the network drive
- Sharing and collaborative editing of filed with authorized colleagues
IT representatives
- Requesting a network drive for your institution from the Computing Centre
- Authorization management
Access and requirements
IT representatives can request the creation or expansion of a network drive for your institution using the forms linked here. The standard size of a drive on heiVOL-i is 500GB.
Storage expansion can also be requested using the appropriate form. For prices of storage expansion, please refer to the PDF file “Storage services price sheet” (DE).
After it has been set up, the network drive can be accessed at the following address:
- For Windows: \\\<institute abbreviation>
- For MacOS and Linux: smb://<institute abbreviation>
You can find a detailed description of how to set up the network drive on your computer in the linked How-to.