Project Community-specific Research Data Publication
Developing generic data publishing platforms for diverse research disciplines
The Research Data Unit (RDU) – formerly Competence Centre for Research Data – at Heidelberg University was a collaborative service institute of the University Library (UB) and the University Computing Centre (URZ) and supported researchers in managing their research data both during the research process and beyond. As part of the e-science project "Community-specific Research Data Publication", the RDU developed generic data publication platforms that enable adaptation of research data to the specific context of individual research fields. In cooperation with partners from diverse disciplines, the first prototype presentation platforms were created and integrated into the existing IT infrastructure . The starting points for these developments were the institutional research data repository heiDATA and the multimedia databank heidICON.
The challenges of successfully creating generic publication platforms that can be adapted to specific disciplines were addressed in several stages. First, a product portfolio of generic software tools was created as the foundation for dynamic research data portals. Next, existing publication platforms were integrated into the new system and linked with external platforms. Finally, a sustainable concept for the long-term archiving of research data was devised and implemented. The individual steps were carried out in direct cooperation with other e-science projects in Baden-Württemberg. Advisory services informed scientists about the newly created possibilities and the developed systems.
Status and duration
This project ran from January 2016 to December 2019 and is therefore complete.
Project partners
- Research Data Unit (RDU)
- Various pilot users
This project is funded by the Ministry for Sciences, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK).